Local Buying Tips

  1. Don't buy unless you plan to keep the house for a few years. You may lose money if you sell before you can build some equity or unless the values in your area go up.
  2. Get a credit report on yourself to see if there are any errors that need correction and to make sure your credit score is good. Mortgage companies will use your credit score to determine if you are credit worthy and to determine what interest rate they will offer you. Never make another major purchase during the time you are purchasing a home. Before making any offers, get pre-approved by a Mortgage Company. Century 21 Mortgage can help at 1-888-468-2794.
  3. Buy a home that you can afford. A Mortgage Company may offer you a larger Loan than you can really afford. Look closely at your income and expenses. There is usually more than one type of loan available to you. Look at all options.
  4. Buy in the best location that you can afford. Location is the most important thing that determines value. Strong school districts are a top priority for many buyers and this helps to boost values. A desirable location will help you resell whenever you are ready.
  5. Get a professional Real Estate Agent's Help. Look for an agent who is experienced and professional. This should be someone you are comfortable with and feel like you can trust. Don't hesitate to interview more than one in your search. A professional Realtor should be able to guide you through the buying process from beginning to end. Our office has agents who have been trained to give you the best Quality Service.
  6. Do your homework before making an offer on any property. Your agent can help advise you about what should be included in your offer. Be sure to look at any Disclosures and Inspections that might be available on the property before making an offer.
  7. Make hiring a home inspector part of your offer. A Home Inspector will make a thorough inspection of the home you want to purchase and make you aware of any repair issues.
  8. Don't let your emotions take over. Keep a cool head during the buying process. Be realistic, no home is perfect and many times you are not purchasing a new home. Don't let a few minor repairs keep you from buying the home that you want.
  9. Don't forget to switch the utilities over into your name a few days before closing the sale. Some utility companies require deposits, so check with the utility companies ahead of time to determine what you need to do.
  10. Don't forget to set up your Homeowner's Insurance. As soon as your offer is accepted, check with your insurance agent about purchasing Homeowners Insurance to see what is required.
  11. Don't Go At It Alone! An Agents job is to track all the day to day activities and details that involve the lender and the seller. Be sure your agent schedules a final walk-through before you close to make sure all the repairs have been done and that the house is in the condition it was in when you first saw it.